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2 National Level FDP by the Department of AI&DS #acssdf2024 Day 1
2 National Level FDP by the Department of AI&DS #aicssdf2024 Day 4
2 National Level FDP by the Department of AI&DS #aicssdf2024 Day 5
2 National Level FDP by the Department of AI&DS #aicssdf2024 Day 2
2 National Level FDP by the Department of AI&DS #aicssdf2024 Day 3
Five Day FDP on Emerging Trends in AI and DS - Day 3 - Session 1
International Faculty Development Programme on Data Science Tools Day-1
FDP - AI - DYPSOE Day 1, Session 01 - Introduction to AI - 20210524
🎥 Day 1: Generative Adversarial Networks and Large Language Models
Integration of Various AI Tools for Research | Day 11 - International FDP On Research Tools
AI in Fintech - ATAL FDP at MBM
ICT AICTE ATAL FDP on Artificial Intelligence, NITTTR Chandigarh on 26 May 2020